Tuesday, April 21, 2009


An oracle shrilled past my ears
and opened my eyes it was dark

thought it to be a dream i laid down
but it haunted me like a ghost

the middle of the night it was; yet
dared to go out in search of my destiny

traveled past the mountains and the sees
and the deep valleys and the hills

the silence of the woods ;the howls of the demons
played the choral song to my journey

asked the spirits and the stars
what destiny awaited me

their mute response drove me mad
and the body began to retreat

but the soul as it was determined
huddled its way through the towering obstacles

on my way heard loud cries of men and
the mourning of women and dirty children

saw the fires and the fumes in the houses
and the remnants of tanks and shells

the children fighting among themselves for their bread
shot down his brother to get his share

smashed buildings and mobs running after choppers
to catch the bits of bread throwing from above

They failed to catch the showers of god
the gifts of love brotherhood and companionship

Now struggling hard ;pulling others to ground
to catch the bread thrown at them by the devils

the sounds and scenes made me pause
both body and soul ;as cold as ice

hold out my hands to an unknown mother
shared the vine bottle to an unknown brother

lost my way in search of my goal
now the call of duty is what rings my ears

conscience murmured in my ears
do your duty ; reach your destiny

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A lonely soul

oh ! it creep towards me like death
slowly and silently consuming my light
luring my mind in to darkness and
throwing the body for the devils to eat

playing the funeral song in my ears
and pouring three libations to my body
the graveyard getting ready to welcome me
with its nurturing hands hold out

dark clouds paying tribute to the soul
which was once the Olympia of gods
now languishing here and there
awaiting for resurrection and rebirth

more happily embrace the death
than to lead a lonely life
like that of an insane bitch
lost its way in the midst of stones

a passive lonely life with boredom as
the one and only companion
with out any action and activity
is worse than the ultimate fate

with great gust they ate up its prey
with out offering any challenge i gave up
as i happily embrace the death than life
a life with none to live with and for

loneliness like cancer it spread
craving for my pure soul
as the body is completely surrendered
and the soul will soon be captured..